Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Reference File Tokens

All reference file settings are contained within flags to indicate the following tokens are for the reference file. The opening flag is <REF> and the closing flag is <\REF>. Multiple reference files can be attached. They are attached in the order they appear in the PPF file.

Inserting a <MASTERFILE> token determines the file update sequence in relation to the master file. Reference files are attached in a sequence before and after the master file.
Table 1. Reference File Tokens
Token Effect
REF_FILE Describes the full path and file name of the reference DGN. Format: REF_FILE = c:\reference files\reference.dgn
TREF_LOGICAL Describes the logical name of the referenced DGN. Format: REF_LOGICAL = Roads
REF_MODEL Describes the model of the DGN file to be attached. If not defined, the default model is used when making a reference file attachment. Format: REF_MODEL = Bottom
LV Sets the levels displayed in reference file. Format: LV = Default, Roads, Rivers, Coastline (for v8) or LV = 1,3,6-34,45,46-63 (for MSJ)
<MASTERFILE> This is a special token that can be placed between <REF> <\REF> pairs. Format:<REF> REF_FILE = "file2" <\REF> <MASTERFILE> <REF> REF_FILE = "file1" <\REF> This example sets an update sequence of "file 2" first, then the master file, lastly followed by "file 1", displaying above the other two files